Sunday, February 22, 2009



Einstein, His Life and Universe (Walter Isaacson)和東野圭吾的惡意。愛因斯坦傳看了一個多月才看完,英文閱讀速度還是慢慢慢,不過今天在Starbucks看到最後愛因斯坦要去世那一章時,都快哭出來了,真是丟臉哈哈哈。中文版應該很快就會出來,我覺得譯得很不錯。是喜歡愛因斯坦的人不能錯過的書。



書展時跑去聯經的攤位買了66折的高陽小說,胡雪巖6冊,紅樓夢斷4冊再加上安樂堂和水龍吟,看到疊起來像磚頭的小說就會很興奮啊,算是新年新希望的小小開端囉。前一陣一時衝動在露天買了語言學教科書The study of language 2nd eds./George Yule和中譯版《語言學導論》張文軒譯李靜芝校訂。兩本合購才400+運60真便宜。每章開頭都有一段引文,例如第一章引用了Otto Jespersen (1921) 的一段文字:

“The genesis of language is not to be sought in the prosaic, but in the poetic side of life; the source of speech is not gloomy seriousness, but merry play and youthful hilarity… In primitive speech I hear the laughing cries of exultation when lads and lassies vied with one another to attract the attention of the other sex, when everybody sang his merriest and danced his bravest to lure a pair of eyes to throw admiring glances in his direction. Language was born in the courting days of mankind.”


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