Wednesday, July 19, 2006


take me home, country roads.

今天試著問了一下我們最敬愛的長官 jack 副理:
"喂,吉他王子, 教一下吉他吧!"

下午回宿舍把吉他拿到辦公室, 然後五點半一到, jack 就跑過來說, 來來來, 來唱歌. 哈哈.

五六年沒碰吉他, 連和絃都記不太得,只好再上網找了合絃譜,然後把 take me home, country roads 的歌詞印出來, 一個個標上和絃.

看著他自彈自唱,似乎可以想像的到那個十年前在輔大外語學院前草坪自彈自唱的文藝青年 jack.

嗯, 然後我也學了刷絃,G合絃跟Em合絃. 呃, 手指好痛啊!!

摸著吉他, 竟然讓 jack 想起大學時的回憶, a.k.a. 青春.
真是意想不到. :b

他說: 一個星期內要把 take me home, country roads 學會喔!


全哥決定去 CMU, 前三個月.
我去後三個月,大約是十一二月.那時 Pittsburg 應該已經下雪了.


十月的尼泊爾能不能去得成呢? 大概要看決心有多強烈吧!

科學史 8/18出版. 有點期待.

怠惰許久, 突然想看看 paper, 想想專利呢. 真怪, 呵呵. 不過那只寫了 abstract 的專利提案書還是懶得動. 如果明年還在這個 team, 想辦法想個點子, 做做實驗, 寫篇paper去投 2008年的 Intermag倒是真的, 將會在 Madrid 舉辦.

這兩天早上起來時勉強看了一點西班牙語, 似乎太混了一點. 也許該考慮週末到台北上上課? 至於西語檢定考嘛, 已經自動延到明年五月了, 都是因為要去CMU的關係啦! :b


take me home, country roads 真好聽.

John Denver

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains
Shenandoah River -
Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Growin like a breeze

Country Roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads

All my memories gathered round her
Miners lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Teardrops in my eye

Country Roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads

I hear her voice
In the mornin hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin down the road I get a feelin
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

Country Roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads

Country Roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
Take me home, now country roads
Take me home, now country roads

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